From November 2022 to July 2024, I was employed by Bain & Company as a strategy
consultant. If you would like to discuss anything related to my previous
science projects (e.g., resolve, nifty or information
field theory in general) or also the life of a physicist at a MBB
consulting company, feel free to reach out to me.
I did my PhD and a postdoc at the intersection of computational
statistics and physics. At the Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, I
developed Bayesian statistics algorithms for imaging radio telescope
observations. My aim is to squeeze out all the information present in
radio data sets in order to obtain the highest possible resolution
together with uncertainty quantification. To this end, I developed
theoretical models for inference algorithms and tailored them for
unification of calibration and imaging, multi-spectral imaging,
polarization imaging, data fusion with single dish data, and Very Long
Baseline Interferometry (VLBI).
These ideas are condensed into various software projects: NIFTy (a Python library
for Bayesian inference of fields), resolve (my radio
imaging library), vlbi_resolve
(the same thing for dynamic VLBI imaging) and ducc (which includes a
non-uniform FFT specialized for radio interferometry). I hold a PhD in
physics and was part of Rüdiger
Westermann’s group (TU Munich) and Torsten Enßlin’s
information field theory group (MPA Garching).
During my masters at Heidelberg University I worked on String Theory,
Quantum Field Theory and pure maths.
Papers and Publications
See also: arXiv, Google
- Bayesian self-calibration and imaging in Very Long Baseline
Interferometry in review: arXiv
- First spatio-spectral Bayesian imaging of SN1006 in X-ray,
Astronomy & Astrophysics 684, A155: arXiv, doi
- Multicomponent imaging of the Fermi gamma-ray sky in the
spatio-spectral domain, Astronomy & Astrophysics 680, A2:
- Resolving Horizon-Scale Dynamics of Sagittarius A, in
review: arXiv
- Bayesian radio interferometric imaging with direction-dependent
calibration, Astronomy & Astrophysics 678, A177: arXiv, doi
- Bayesian statistics approach to imaging of aperture synthesis data:
RESOLVE meets ALMA, Physical Sciences Forum 5 (1), 52: doi
- Accretion flow morphology in numerical simulations of black holes
from the ngEHT model library: the impact of radiation physics,
Galaxies 2023, 11(2), 38: doi
- Fast-cadence High-contrast Imaging with Information Field Theory,
The Astronomical Journal 165.3 (2023): 86: arXiv, doi
- The ngEHT Analysis Challenges, Galaxies. 2023; 11(1):12: doi
- Bayesian statistics approach to imaging of aperture synthesis data:
RESOLVE meets ALMA, Physical Sciences Forum 5 (1), 52: arXiv, doi
- Bayesian and Machine Learning Methods in the Big Data era for
astronomical imaging, Physical Sciences Forum 5 (1), 50: arXiv, doi
- Variable structures in M87* from space, time and frequency resolved
interferometry, Nature Astronomy (2022): arXiv, doi, presentation material, software, data products, MPA
article (en de), press material
- Deep images of the Galactic center with GRAVITY, A&A, A82
(2022): arXiv, doi, MPG article
en), YouTube animation
- Efficient wide-field radio interferometric response, A&A
646, A58 (2021): arXiv, doi
- Towards Bayesian Data Compression, Annalen der Physik 2021,
2000508: arXiv, doi
- Comparison of classical and Bayesian imaging in radio
interferometry, A&A 646, A84 (2021): arXiv, doi, pdf (600dpi), data products, MPA
article (de, en)
- Unified Radio Interferometric Calibration and Imaging with Joint
Uncertainty Quantification, A&A 627, A134 (2019): arXiv, doi
- Radio Imaging With Information Field Theory, 2018 26th European
Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO): arXiv, doi
- Terminal Singularities, Milnor Numbers, and Matter in F-theory,
Journal of Geometry and Physics 123, 71-97, 2018: arXiv, doi
- Dissertation (2021): pdf
- Master thesis (2016): pdf, tex
- Bachelor thesis (2014): pdf, tex
- NIFTy5 (Numerical Information Field Theory v5), 2019. ASCL
Invited Talks
- Speaker at the course “Was
die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält: Gottesfrage und
Naturwissenschaften”, July 5-9, 2021
- Seminar, June 2021, Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, United States (resources)
- ODSL (Origin Data Science Lab) Journal Club, June 2020, Garching,
- Seminar “TRR146: Multiscale Simulation Methods for Soft Matter
Systems”, Jan 2020, Mainz, Germany
- Institute colloquium, May 2019, Würzburg, Germany
- Bayesian Imaging and Gridding workshop, May 2019, Cambridge
University, UK
- Institute colloquium, Center for Astrophysics and Space Physics,
North-West University, Nov 2018, Potchefstroom, South Africa
- Institute colloquium, Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems,
Oct 2018, Tübingen, Germany
- Plenary talk, SKA Bursary Conference, Nov 2017, Cape Town, South
Contributed Conference Talks
- MPA Institute Seminar, July 2022, Garching, Germany
- AT-AP-RASC 2022: 3rd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, June 2022,
Gran Canaria, Spain (resources)
- Radio Imaging Workshop, May 2022, Ballito, South Africa
- D-MeerKAT Collaboration meeting, June 2020, video conference
- LOFAR MKSP Annual Meeting, June 2020, video conference
- Radio2019 Symposium: Recent progress in radio astronomy, Oct 2019,
Dortmund, Germany
- LOFAR MKSP Annual Meeting, Sep 2019, Bochum, Germany
- Monitoring the Nonthermal Universe, Sep 2018, Cochem, Germany
- IEEE European Signal Processing Conference, Sep 2018, Rome,
- The Power of Faraday Tomography, May 2018, Miyasaki, Japan
- D-MeerKAT Collaboration meeting, Mar 2018, Würzburg, Germany
Workshops (co-)organized by
- Resolve workshop (organized by me), Oct 2022, Bonn, Germany (more)
- NIFTy7+GRAVITY workshop (organized by Julia Stadler and me), Aug
2021, Garching, Germany (more)
- Signal reconstruction with Python (contribution), seminar at LMU,
September 2020, Garching, Germany
- NIFTy6 introduction (organized by me) May 2020, video conference (more)
- Bayesian Imaging meets Radio Reality II (organized by Torsten Enßlin
and me), Aug 2019, Garching, Germany (more)
- Bayesian Imaging meets Radio Reality (organized by Torsten Enßlin
and me), Jul 2018, Garching, Germany
Attended workshops
- Radio Imaging Workshop, May 2022, Ballito, South Africa
- Workshop on state of
the art in sampling and clustering (contribution), October 2020,
Garching, Germany
- Radio Imaging Workshop, Dec 2018, Cape Town, South Africa
- Science with the MPIfR-MT Prototyp Telescope, Apr 2018, Bonn,
Co-supervised master
- Julian Rüstig (Combined Inference of Single Dish and
Interferometric Radio Data)
- Fabian Kapfer (Multi-frequency radio calibration)
- Jongseo Kim (Generative models for pattern formation)
- Simon Ding (Multi-frequency radio imaging)
- Crystal Mele (tba)
- Richard Fuchs (tba)
More resources
- MPA highlight on my work (Jan 01, 2021): en de
- MPA highlight on my work (Jan 01, 2022): en de
- IFT collaboration guide: pdf
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